Weathering the Talent Storm | A New Horizon of Caring Cultures
In this on-demand session, we hear from Matt Patterson MD, President of Welbe Health, on why “courage to love“ is their #1 company value. Matt shares his leadership approach that puts people and organizational health above all other business priorities. He shares how to put this approach into practice without sacrificing values or mission.
As a former physician to the Navy Seals, McKinsey consultant, and executive in healthcare innovation, Matt is a renowned thought-leader on company culture and helped architect Welbe Health’s culture of innovation and caring.
Top Takeaways & Resources
Less than half of the companies in attendance have a core value focused on employee wellbeing, while Gallup research shows that “cares about employee wellbeing” is consistently ranked in the top 3 criteria for employees.
Attendees report the top challenge to having more of a focus on employee wellbeing is their company’s existing culture is too focused on performance to make the shift.
Matt shared his approach to a successful and well-functioning business that does not require sacrificing business performance. His approach comes down to three things - smart + health, in a meeting. Health being the priority - meaning people and teams must be starting from a place of mutual trust, respect, and appropriate vulnerability before getting to the business work - the smart. And all of this needs to be done together in the meeting - not outside, or after, the meeting - but during a meeting. Matt acknowledged this can be hard work, requiring practice and role modeling by leadership.
“How we behave is harder to scale than how we operate.”
Matt has successfully implemented this approach at Welbe Health with the help of core values, frameworks, and common language used across the company. Matt gives credit to several books that have helped shape his leadership philosophy:
Bob Chapman, Raj Sisodia
By Patrick Lencioni
Interested in talking more about this topic? We’d love to chat - please send us an email.
Featured Speaker
Matthew Patterson, MD, President, Welbe Health
Dr. Matt Patterson is dedicated to improving the value, accessibility, and experience of healthcare for all people and their caregivers. He’s led market-changing innovation across clinical, operational, and technology domains with AirStrip, McKinsey & Company, and the United States Navy.