The  Ceresa 360

The Ceresa 360 is a key element of the Ceresa Accelerator experience… it integrates the anonymous, aggregate input of people who know the Participant well into their leadership journey, playing a key role in goal setting and ongoing growth. The Ceresa 360 is:

  • Non-evaluative.
    As with all Ceresa coaching tools, only the Participant and their Coach, Mentor, & Matching team will see the results. They will NOT be shared with a manager or employer. It’s 100% focused on delivering actionable feedback to drive growth.

  • Holistic.
    Unlike other 360s, we encourage Participants to include, to their comfort, personal contacts who can give a more complete view of how they’re showing up.

  • Quick and easy.
    With 13 quantitative questions and 5 qualitative questions, it takes just 5-15 minutes to complete.

  • Anonymous, aggregate, and comprehensive.
    Participants receive every single written response (anonymized & randomized) and the min, max, and average of all the quantiatives. They get it all.

  • Fully automated.
    Participants submit feedback requests via the Ceresa Platform before their first Coaching Session… and we do the rest (invitations, secure data collection, reminders, report generation, etc.). The full report is provided just before the 2nd Coaching Session. Additionally, an automated check-in happens about six months later to measure growth during the program.

How It Works

 1. Request Feedback

Members request confidential feedback from 18 people (peers, subordinates, superiors, community, & personal). We automate the entire process via email to make it the easiest (and perhaps the most valuable!) 360 you’ve ever used. 

And, we respect privacy of feedback providers just as much as our members, so communication with them from Ceresa is strictly limited to the 360 feedback process (no sales emails!).

View Request Email | View Thank You Email


2. Get into a Feedback Mindset

Once the custom report is ready (~3 weeks), it’s time to prepare to receive feedback… and that means getting into the right mindset. We coach Participants on-demand to help them make the most of their insights.

Platform video on preparing to receive feedback

3. Receive Personal 360 Insights

We share all of the data. Ceresa 360 reports include the min, max, and average of all quantitative scores and every single verbatim qualitative response. It’s anonymous and aggregate… and it’s comprehensive. 

View Sample Report

4. Process & Reflect

360s are only as powerful as the insights we take away from them… Participants complete a thoughtful reflection to identify and internalize the most actionable feedback to build on. 

And, they discuss the results in-depth with their Executive Coach in Coaching Session #2 as prep for setting their Goals.

5. Get Personalized Recommendations

The quantitative data from the 360 is used to algorithmically recommend relevant learning content within the Ceresa Platform to the Participant to support growth.

6. Evaluate Progress

Six months after the initial 360, we’ll automate a quick and easy comparative check-in with the original feedback providers to evaluate demonstrated progress during the program.

The 360 Questions


Quantitative | 14 Questions (5-7 min)

Quantitative ratings are on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = Poor, below expectations at this stage in the career, 5 = On track, what’s expected at this stage, and 10 = Absolutely outstanding, with no room for improvement). Responders have the option of selecting “Not Applicable” if appropriate.


  1. Communication | How would you rate this person’s communication skills?
    (both verbal & written communication, the message itself, and how it’s delivered)

  2. Presence | How would you rate this person’s level of executive presence / gravitas?

  3. Openness | How would you rate this person’s level of self-awareness and openness to receiving constructive feedback?

  4. Culture | How would you rate this person’s ability to role model desired behaviors and set culture? Do they “walk the talk”?


  1. Collaboration | How collaborative of a team player is this person?

  2. Management | How would you rate this person’s people management skills, meaning their ability to lead and manage a team?

  3. Coaching | How would you rate this person’s effectiveness in developing the talents and skills of those they lead?

  4. Feedback | How would you rate this person’s skill in effectively and compassionately delivering constructive feedback?

  5. Leadership | How would you rate this person's overall skills and effectiveness as a leader?


  1. Organization | How would you rate this person’s organization and prioritization skills?

  2. Decision-Making | How would you rate this person’s decision-making skills?
    (including soliciting and considering input, and being appropriately decisive)

  3. Strategic | How would you rate the strategic thinking skills of this person?

  4. Vision | How would you rate this person’s ability to “vision cast”, fostering both understanding and conviction around desired change?


  1. Which three areas of focus would have the greatest impact on this person’s growth?
    This data is not included in the feedback report - it is used to recommend relevant content to the Participant within the Platform.

Qualitative | 5 Questions (5-15 min)

  1. What are this person’s biggest strengths? What do you think they're best at? What are the skills that enable them to be successful?

  2. What do you particularly value, appreciate, or admire about this person?

  3. What are this person’s biggest areas for development?

  4. What are their "blind spots?" What aren't they aware of that might be holding them back from being even more successful?

  5. If you could confidentially give this person some advice to help them be as successful as possible, what would it be?

The 360 Check-In Questions

Quantitative | 14 Questions (5-7 min)

  • The first 13 questions above are repeated verbatim.

  • Last time you chose three areas of focus to have the greatest impact on this person’s growth. How have they progressed in these areas since then?
    This is not included in the feedback report and is used, in aggregate, to improve the effectiveness of the program.

Qualitative | 1 Question (<5 min)

  • As you reflect on the past 6 months, what positive growth has this person demonstrated in any of the areas from your initial feedback?