Mental vs Physical Well-Being at Work

Workplace insights by Ceresa, a professional coaching and mentoring company

Myth #3: Mental health benefits - a workplace must have

In our fast paced workplace environments, the balance between mental health and physical well-being is more critical than ever. At Ceresa, our latest research explores the myth that mental health benefits are the ultimate workplace must-have. What was revealed, however, was a surprising shift towards the importance of physical health in driving employee performance and resilience.

At Ceresa, we are excited to share our data and deep perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the next generation of leaders. As a professional development coaching and mentoring company, we aim to provide actionable insights that help organizations foster resilient and effective teams. One area of increasing focus is the balance between mental health and physical well-being in the workplace. 

Come with us in our third blog post on workplace insights as we debunk Myth #3, "Mental health benefits are a workplace must-have".

Workplace mental health research by Ceresa, professional development firm

Insight: Shifting Focus from Mental to Physical Well-being

Since the shared trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic and the additional challenges following George Floyd’s murder, there has been a significant shift towards employers providing more mental health support. This marked a departure from the past, where mental health was often considered outside the scope of workplace discussions. Despite this initial focus, our data indicates a reduction in emphasis on general well-being among Ceresa participants since 2020 and 2021, with a notable shift towards physical well-being.

Ceresa, professional coaching and mentoring company

Evidence from Ceresa’s Data

From day one, Ceresa was founded on research. We gather our data through thorough surveys and tools embedded in Ceresa’s mentoring and leadership programs. This method ensures a robust sample size that allows us to identify workforce trends and differences. Our analysis spans various factors, including industry, age, parenting status, and gender, which we then compare and contrast with broader market insights to provide a well-rounded perspective.

To support our findings, we analyzed the goals of our participants:

  1. Overall Goal Focus:

    • Professional growth: 35%

    • Career path: 31%

    • Well-being: 17%

  2. Breakdown Within Well-being:

    • Balance: 8%

    • Physical wellness: 6%

    • Mental health: 3%

These figures reveal that while well-being is the third most common goal area, the focus within this category leans heavily towards physical wellness and balance, rather than mental health.

Implications for Employers

While advocating for mental health resources is important, our data suggests a greater need to support physical health goals for high-potential talent. The correlation between physical and mental health cannot be overlooked. Many participants struggle to find time for exercise, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition, often sacrificing these for work priorities.

Employers should strive to create a culture that celebrates wellness and role-models healthy behaviors from the top down. Ensuring that employees can meet their physical health goals is crucial, particularly in the fast-paced, changing workplace environment. Resilience, which is essential for navigating change, is much harder to achieve without proper sleep and physical well-being.

Ceresa founder and CEO, Anna Robinson, on the need for physical well-being and how it can increase productivity.

Are We Too Focused on Mental Health in the Workplace?

The work place is a new world since Covid-19 in terms of supporting your employee’s professional development, and it continues to evolve. In this video by Anna Robinson, founder and CEO of Ceresa, she explores why companies are so focused on mental well-being. Despite the importance of mental health, our data shows that within the well-being goals of participants, mental health only accounts for 20%, while physical well-being commands a higher focus. The reasons for this shift are multifaceted:

  • Long Work Hours and High Demands: Employees face extensive work hours and high energy demands.

  • Gender Disparities in Childcare: Women spend seven and a half hours more on childcare each week compared with men, adding to their physical strain.

  • Impact of Physical Health on Performance:

    • Sleep deprivation affects emotional regulation, critical thinking, and the ability to inspire teams.

    • Proper nutrition enhances curiosity, creativity, and innovative problem-solving.

    • Regular exercise improves memory, attention, and decision-making skills.

Given these factors, it is essential for companies to support sleep, nutrition, and exercise more robustly. These aspects drive performance, and employees are desperate for help in these areas.

The Importance of Physical Well-being

Physical well-being is critical for maintaining high performance and resilience at work. Here’s why:

  1. Sleep: One night of sleep deprivation can impair emotional regulation, critical thinking, and the ability to lead effectively. Ensuring employees have sufficient rest is fundamental to maintaining a productive workforce.

  2. Nutrition: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables not only supports physical health but also boosts creativity and problem-solving abilities. Companies can promote healthy eating habits through initiatives like providing nutritious meals or snacks in the workplace.

  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity enhances memory, attention, and decision-making. Encouraging employees to engage in exercise can be as simple as offering gym memberships, organizing group workouts, or providing time for physical activity during the workday.

Advise on Physical Well-being from a Ceresa Advisor

Looking after your well-being is a real challenge, especially with all the demands life throws at you. For Ceresa Advisor, Sarah Jones Simmer, it's about balancing her professional responsibilities and her family life. With two young daughters, finding enough hours in the day can feel impossible.

In a video for our Ceresa Mastery Series, Sarah Jones Simmer says, “Exercise is my non-negotiable, though I understand how tough it can be to fit in. Many people tell me they struggle to exercise due to their busy schedules or simply because they're not morning people. I get it. I haven't always been consistent with exercise myself, but looking back, the times when I felt at my best both at work and at home were when I made time for exercise.

Taking those moments for myself makes a big difference. It keeps my mind sharp, my body healthier, and improves my sleep. These benefits spill over into other areas of life, boosting overall productivity. Sometimes, understanding this connection helps me justify prioritizing that time for myself.”

Sarah goes on to ​​emphasize that incorporating exercise into daily routines doesn't need to be time-consuming. Even 20 minutes of activity can significantly boost energy and well-being. It's also important to choose activities that are enjoyable and rejuvenating, rather than viewing exercise as just another obligation. She says approach not only enhances personal well-being but also contributes to better performance in both professional and family roles. Prioritizing personal time for exercise is crucial for overall health and effectiveness.

How Ceresa Can Help

At Ceresa, we are committed to understanding and improving workplace well-being through comprehensive data collection and analysis. Our findings indicate that while mental health support remains important, there is a pressing need to focus more on physical well-being. By addressing both mental and physical health, employers can create a resilient, high-performing workforce that is better equipped to handle the challenges of the modern workplace.

Supporting employee well-being requires a balanced approach that includes mental health resources and initiatives that promote physical health. By doing so, companies can foster a healthier, more engaged, and more productive workforce. At Ceresa, we are proud to lead the way in providing insights and solutions that help organizations achieve this balance and support the next generation of leaders. If you’re not quite sure how to do this and need to hire a company to help with professional development or are wanting an executive mentor or coach, Ceresa is here to assist in career progression.

Final Thoughts

As the workplace continues to change, it is crucial for employers to stay attuned to the well-being needs of their employees. By prioritizing both mental and physical health, companies can create an environment where employees thrive, leading to greater innovation, productivity, and overall success. Ceresa is dedicated to helping organizations navigate this journey, providing the data and insights needed to support a healthier, more resilient workforce.

If you missed the first two Myths we deep dove into regarding the Age Time Bomb and Burnout, check them out for new insights!

About Ceresa

Ceresa is a high-impact, tech-based solution for world-class mentoring and leadership development at scale. Grounded in research and inclusive by design, Ceresa supports leading companies that are committed to supporting earlier career talent and fixing the broken rung, including Walmart, Amazon, and Blackstone. Our programs are designed to provide comprehensive support across various demographics, including age, gender, and industry, helping organizations unlock the full potential of their workforce.


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