The Ceresa Accelerator

The Ceresa Accelerator is a nine-month, personalized leadership development journey specifically designed for high-potential talent and leaders.

It combines a blend
of customized executive coaching, one-on-one high-impact mentoring, and a suite of assessments and activities designed to unlock accelerated growth.

Add on available: Group coaching is available as an addition to the Ceresa Accelerator journey.

  • Assessment Suite

    Ceresa provides self-assessment tools, vision statement and goal-setting prompts, along with actionable, developmental 360 feedback for continuous growth.

  • Executive Coaching

    Through the Ceresa Accelerator, participants engage in three one-on-one executive coaching sessions.

  • Personal Mentor

    Using over 70 data points, the Ceresa team handpicks an external mentor, providing up to six high-impact mentoring sessions with structured agendas, preparation, and reflection.

  • Virtual Platform

    Participants have on-demand access to Ceresa's world-class leadership content, featuring bite-sized instruction and storytelling, ranging from strategy to communications to wellbeing.

  • Strategic Support

    We do the heavy lifting – program launch, proactive participant support, engagement tracking and unique insights. This will set up you and your team for success.

Participant Roadmap

Participants progress through their journey over nine-months, guided by monthly milestones.

Why does your team need Ceresa?

    • High-potential talent benefit

    • Preparation for C-suite

    • Drives brand sentiment

    • Unique offer for competitive talent market

    • Address diversity gaps in leadership

    • Supplement enterprise-level L&D programs that don’t address diversity

    • Affordable cost & scalability allow for more access to all levels

    • Develop high-potential talent across portfolio companies

    • Offer executive coaching and mentoring aligned with local culture and time zones

    • Your company has limited HR or L&D resources

    • In high-growth mode with up and coming leadership

    • Need sophisticated programs to stay competitive for talent 

    • Supplement existing skills-oriented programs with personalized support

    • Provides objective, “outsider” perspective

    • Holistic approach for work and life vision and goals

    • Reentry into workforce

    • Promotions

    • Transition into new functional area

”My mentor provided actionable feedback as part of each session, which allowed me to intentionally try a lot of different strategies, see what worked well and what didn't, and reflect in the next session. By doing this, it also made me reflect not only on myself, but also those around me. I gained insights into perception, perspectives, and prioritization.”

Ceresa Participant | Fortune 50 Online Retailer


  • After participants complete the first two months of assessments, reflections, goal setting and coaching, we have a very rich data set and insights to inform mentor selection. We leverage over 70 data points, plus insight from coaches to hand-select the perfect mentor (combining data, technology and our highly experienced mentoring team). We take into account multiple dimensions - industry, function, career goals and challenges, personal situation and goals, aspects of identity or lived experience where identified as important, personality, time zone, and other demographics, such as age. We then deliver a careful match where we help launch a successful relationship by helping them find human connection before they event meet.

    We check in after every first mentoring session, to confirm matching effectiveness, and re-match whenever the match is not perceived to be effective (which happens less than 5% of time).

  • 1) Life Pulse - This is a common coaching tool that asks individuals to do a deliberately quick assessment of 8 holistic dimensions of their life – scoring them from 1-10 on satisfaction.

    2) 360 Feedback - Ceresa’s proprietary 360 tool asks participants to select up to 18 people to provide feedback. This assessment is so good it needs it’s own page. Learn more about the 360 Assessment

    3) Wild & Precious Life (vision statement) - A critical focus area for Ceresa, is helping participants get a clearer vision, boost their aspirations, and check in with their purpose.

    4) Goal setting. Having completed the 360 and wild & precious life, participants work with their coach to identify 2-3 specific goals they want to work on.

  • Item description
  • Description text goes here
  • We are humbled by the great leaders who choose to volunteer their time with Ceresa. You can learn more about these experts here.

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